So,Idecidedtojumpinandgiveitatry.I'vegotKindleandNookonmyPC.I'mnotoverlythrilledwithKindleforPCforreading,butamdrawntotheKindle outside of the PC.Ido,however,lovemyNookforPC. Itseemstobeeasieronmyeyes.Sincetakingtheplunge,Ibuye-booksmostlynow,andIhavetosayIlovetheinstantthey'reboughtthey'reonyourreaderandreadytogo.Forsomeonelivinginasmalltownwithoutabookstoreclose,that'sjustfreakingawesometonothavetowaitonbookstobeshipped.Also,noshippingcosteitheropposedtoifIhadthebooksshippedtomyhouse.I'msuremyhusbandisthankfulforthatasI'malwaysbuyingbooksatleast5-6 timesamonth.
So,tellme. I really want to know. Whiche-reader doyouhaveandwhydo youloveit?BetweentheKindleandNook,whichisbesttoget? Does anyone know if you can upload the books from Nook onto the Kindle and vise versa?
That's a good question I'm not sure. I do know whatever is on your Nook on Pc will load onto your Nook if you buy it, and same for the Kindle. Not sure if what's on your Nook can be downloaded onto your Kindle. I broke down and bought me a Kindle supposed to be here on Monday.
This is going to be great. I'm also a kindle or Nook novice so I have exactly your questions, Alyssa.
ReplyDeleteWell there's another. will the ePub versions I have on my PC will load onto either?
That's a good question I'm not sure. I do know whatever is on your Nook on Pc will load onto your Nook if you buy it, and same for the Kindle. Not sure if what's on your Nook can be downloaded onto your Kindle. I broke down and bought me a Kindle supposed to be here on Monday.